Thursday 22 February 2007

If you can't beat em blog em

Dam this internet web thing and the insidious effect it is having on life. After years of avoiding it here I am with a blog of my own. Now I suppose people will look at this (who am I kidding?) and assume I am so self important that I think I have something to say. That I'd argue my lone voice among the millions of bloggists was deserving of some web space. Not true! This is just the latest of my online frolics. I've tried the lot, chatrooms, Napster, MSN, e Bay, Myspace, Youtube etc etc etc....

So has the net changed my life? Is existence richer now?

The answers to so many questions are a mere tap of the keyboard away. I can find out how many episodes of Sapphire and Steel there were, and that the Tomorrow People had 2 separate and distinct productions. I can join in the Jaffa cake - Cake or Biscuit debate and sign petitions against road pricing, all from the comfort of my desk.

How on earth did I survive before?

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